For years UV-C technology has been used to disinfect air, water, and surfaces in the medical and food sectors, as well in the indoor food production of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers, in greenhouse horticulture.
Now imagine using this UV light technology in outdoor farming.
In conjunction with our research partners we have proven over multiple growing seasons that UV light is 100% effective in replacing pesticides in outdoor farming.
The AgriPV / UV light Pilot projects are supported under long term research and development agreements with FAZOS - Faculty of Agriculture biotechnical Sciences in Osijek, Croatia and with a recognized Fraunhofer ISE Institute for Solar Energy Systems from Freiburg, Germany.
In our research and testing vineyard in the Dalmatian costal region, during the 2022 and 2023 growing seasons, we produced more than 10 tons of different wine grapes under different weather conditions, all of which are 100% free of pesticides.